Help and Information

What is Psychodynamic counselling?

As a Psychodynamic Psychotherapist and Counsellor I have undertaken extensive training to help people look at how their past experiences link up and impact on things that are causing problems for them today. This doesn’t mean that I focus on your life history and not on your current issues, but it is often easier to understand a problem or pattern of behaviour if you can trace it back to its roots.

How can counselling help me?

We all have times in our lives when we experience difficulties. These can be related to our relationships with partners or family, life events like birth, death or serious illness, or difficult experiences from our past that make it hard to deal with things in the present.

What happens at the initial appointment?

This appointment is designed to enable you to have space to think about counselling and if it can be of help to you. There is no obligation to continue.

Your initial appointment can last up to 75 minutes. During the session you will be given space to talk freely about your current difficulties. We will spend time reflecting on how these difficulties are impacting on your life and relationships at the moment.

What is Post Natal Depression?

Post Natal Depression is the name given to the onset of depressive symptoms following the birth of a baby. Few people realise that Post Natal Depression can be diagnosed for up to a year after the birth. This is because it takes your body a year to recover from the enormous physical and emotional changes that pregnancy, childbirth and the breastfeeding months demand.

Pregnant and depressed

Pregnancy is traditionally thought of as a time of joy and excitement. A time when the parents to be look forward to the coming baby. So what happens if you don’t feel this joy? If all you feel is depressed, anxious, withdrawn or fearful?

Studies have shown that 10% of expectant mums could be suffering with depression. Many women suffer in silence.

Is my teenager depressed? How can I help?

When it comes to teenage depression the first thing to remember is that it is more than just bad moods or the occasional sad moment. Depression can leave your teenager feeling overwhelmed with anger, despair or sadness. Furthermore it is not something your teenager can simply “snap out of”.

self-harm and teenagers

The term self-harm is used to describe someone who intentionally inflicts physical or emotional pain on themselves. This can take many forms.

Cutting, burning, scratching, hitting walls, pulling out hair, overdosing, not eating, over eating and not caring for the body, e.g. not maintaining personal hygiene.